The main updates this month are that I have begun putting a daily drawing prompt on Facebook that anyone can make a pieve of artwork to share or just use it as a theme to focus on but keep their artwork to themselves. So far I have themes for every day in October and a few days in November but if it doesnt prove popular enough then I may not keep it going forever. The prompt is sceduled to go up at 12:01am each day so if you go to the Facebook feed you should be able to find it after this.
The second thing is that I have to report is that the devotional will be restarting this month. I had hoped to retart it yesterday (1st October) but ran out of time so today's devotional should be up late morning or early afternoon.
Finally, more books! I have added more books over the last few days. The majotrity of them are Christian but there is a Marvel graphic novel in there and a Hebrew primer too, so there's extra variety coming to the site as theres a high probability that more graphic novels will be added as time goes by.
If you want one of the products on this page clicking on each picture should - unless something has gone wrong like my menu suddenly disappearing from my website header for no apparent reason (fixed now but I still havent worked out why it disappeared!) - take you directly to their individual product pages.